

Bazetta Zoning Department serves the township the purpose of promoting health, safety, morals, comfort, and general welfare; to conserve and protect property; to stabilize and preserve individual citizen’s property values; to secure the most appropriate use of land; and to facilities adequate but economical provisions of public improvements, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan, the Boards of Trustees of Bazetta Township find it necessary and advisable to regulate the location and size of buildings and other structures, including tents, cabins, and manufactured homes, percentages of lot area which may be occupied, setback building lines, size of yards, courts, and other open spaces, density of population, administrative procedures to enforce the rules, regulations, and requirements of this Resolution, the use of buildings and other structures, including tents, cabins, and manufactured homes, and the use of land for trade, industry, residence, recreation, or other purposes, and for such purposes divide the area of the Township into districts or zones.

Reminder to Residents that appropriate permits are required for swimming pools, driveways, storage buildings, additions, and fences. If you are not sure what requires zoning permits you can check with our zoning office for more information.


To contact the Zoning Department:

Zoning Inspector: Pete Pizzulo

Email: ppizzulo@bazettatwp.org

Office Phone (330) 637-8816

Cell: (330) 501-7768


The Zoning Inspector Office Hours are Tuesdays from 6:00pm – 9:00pm